Moez Bouhlel @lejenome

Recently, I wanted to add a feedback form to my résumé page to help my friends review it. I was using GitHub pages to host my static website and I didn’t want to host the server-side of the feedback on a different server. So I was looking for a simple solution that works well with my static website. Most of the available ones were either paid or have too many unneeded features.

At the end, I decided to use my Slack team to receive feedbacks. It does not require any third-party library or any server-side code. And it’s simple to implement:

  1. Create a Slack team if you don’t have one.
  2. Add an Incoming Webhook URL to a channel on your team. It’s a simple URL that you can send feedback to.
  3. Finally, add your client-side implementation. This is a simple one:
<form id="feedback">
    <textarea name="text" required></textarea>
    <input type="submit" value="send feedback"></input>
let form = document.getElementById("feedback");
form.addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
    fetch(YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL, {
        method: "POST", // You should use POST method
        body: JSON.stringify({
            text: form.text.value, // the feedback message
            parse: "none", // tell Slack it's not a formated text


You can add more entries to the send JSON. Check Slack documentation for more details. The most useful ones are username and icon_emoji.

You can set a different username and a different icon_emoji entry for every page. For example, you send this JSON from your résumé page:

    "text"       : "THE FEEDBACK MESSAGE",
    "parse"      : "none",
    "username"   : "resume",
    "icon_emoji" : ":briefcase:"